Frequently Asked Questions

Why a separate set of courses for the autism community?

TRLA holds strongly that life is lived in the broader community! A community is at its strongest when all members are welcomed and accepted. We have heard and listened to autistics in having this safe space to grow, learn and connect amongst those with similar neurology and processing. TRLA provides a safe space intentionally designed and supported by, with and for the autism community. Building strong leaders in this safe space equips for these successes to transfer to the community at large in employment and general citizen interaction.

What is the difference between person first language and identity first language, and which should I use?

TRLA respects that each individual has the right to use the language that allows them to feel their strongest. In the autism community, some choose identity first language, as in “autistic person”; some resonate with person first language, as in “person with autism”. It is the intent of TRLA to honor each individual and to get to personally know each attendee by their name. Click here for an article that offers additional insight.

Where are you located?

Wherever you are! Our courses, supports and social connections are all on virtual platforms (primarily Zoom and Discord). We hope is to also offer some face-to-face opportunities sometime in 2023. Longer term plans include conferences, meet-up groups and even group travel opportunities!

What is involved once I ask for more information?

Once you contact TRLA, a representative will get back to you within 72 hours. That initial contact will check in to see what your next set of goals to prioritize are, as well as the style that best suits you to move forward. If TRLA believes that we are able to walk alongside you to fulfill this goal, we will schedule an official intake and enroll you into the foundational class of LAUNCH YOU! Life Leadership.

If the style that best suits you is not a way TRLA currently operates, the TRLA representative will identify at least one resource for you to contact so you can keep moving forward on your goals!

I love the opportunities I have taken part in at TRLA! How can I suggest additional course topics, supports or social connections?

We would love to hear from you! TRLA aims to build out a community that reflects your needs and interests. We have several opportunities every month that offer support, discussion and social opportunities at no additional charge for Launch You! program grads. Click here to see our current calendar. You can suggest a topic for our discussion night or suggest a social activity by contacting

TRLA has a robust course catalog with content developed by leaders in the autism community on a variety of topics. Click here to see upcoming courses. You can also request for a previously delivered class to be offered again. You can also suggest a topic and even a specific presenter for TRLA to pursue by contacting

I think I might be autistic. Where can I go to learn more?

The TRLA resource page has a list of resources to review. “I think I Might Be Autistic” by Cynthia Kim is a fantastic book that guides you through the diagnostic process, including whether to pursue an official diagnosis or self-diagnose.

Please also reach out to TRLA for additional resources and connecting!