Individual Courses

Various individual courses will be offered in 2023. Check back often for exact titles, content, outcomes, dates and presenters! ALL courses at TRLA have been created by, with, and for the autism community with a primary  emphasis on “nothing about us without us.”

Bringing Your Bubble With You: A Meaningful Life Requires Risk

Balancing out safety and venturing into unscripted territory is needed to live a full life. Identifying what makes you feel safe (thinking both sensory needs as well as communication and anxiety needs) is vital to calm. Setting up for calculated risk-taking outside of comfort can lead to new experiences that might prove to be what you have been yearning for!

Building Your Passions Into Your Life as it Relates to Employment, Fulfillment, and Community

Carving out your own path in this world is a daunting task! This seminar will lay out basic template to help you figure out your unique path and what the steps on it might look like. You will be guided through exercises that hep you identify actionable steps towards moving forward.

“Connecting with the Spectrum” Book Course

Casey Vormer wrote “Connecting with eh Autism Spectrum: How to talk, listen and why you should not call it high-functioning”. It was written as a primer for a neurotypical and uses Vormer’s experiences and some general autism definitions to teach those without autism. This 8 session class will learn from Vormer as each attendee crafts THEIR lessons they wish a neurotypical understood. Discussion and worksheets will be useful to educate the NT’s in your life, whether casual, at school or in the work place.

Getting Unstuck

Are you at a plateau? Understanding your limits and work within them while also take advantage of your strengths is pivotal to forward motion! Understanding yourself and how you function best are important in making progress towards the things you want in life. Knowing yourself and knowing how you work and knowing how to put yourself on a path to success and progress towards your goals is the first step to getting unstuck.

Habits, Hacks and aHa's

Executive Function is a huge part of adulting! Executive functioning is something that a high percentage of the autism community finds tricky. This seminar helps with those pesky but necessary organizing tasks: taming the paperwork of mail and bills, emails, and other communication; budgeting time to tame; budgeting money; setting financial goals; healthy money habits; useful tools.

Routine and Change: Role of Each and Importance of Balance

Specific lessons covered include difficulty in changes, coping strategies, back up plans, and balance.

Use What You Have To Get What You Need

Specific lessons covered include establishing the philosophies of play to your passions first, play to your strengths second; how to cost-benefit-analyze needs, wants, time, energy, interest in learning a given skill; and how to use what you have as a bargaining chip for everything you need.